

In addition to our minister, Darin Kennedy, we have wonderful speakers from our membership and from Pepperdine University. We love their rich insights as we are being formed into the image of Christ through the study of God's Word.

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
01/15/23 Enjoy the Rain Doug Hurley N/A Sun AM Sierra_Madre_-_Sermon_-_Doug_Hurley_-_Enjoy_the_Rain.mp3
01/08/23 Who's on Your List? Jeff Walling N/A Sun AM Sierra_Madre_-_Sermon_-_Jeff_Walling_-_Whos_on_Your_List.mp3
01/01/23 Resolutions Jack Scott N/A Sun AM Sierra_Madre_-_Sermon_-_Jack_Scott_-_Resolutions.mp3
12/18/22 Greater Than Angels Ron Cox N/A Sun AM Sierra_Madre_-_Sermon_-_Ron_Cox_-_Greater_Than_Angels.mp3
12/11/22 God Is Watching Us Doug Hurley N/A Sun AM Sierra_Madre_-_Sermon_-_Doug_Hurley_-_God_Is_Watching_Us.mp3
12/04/22 Little Bethlehem Jerry Rushford N/A Sun AM Sierra_Madre_-_Sermon_-_Jerry_Rushford_-_Bethlehem.mp3
11/20/22 The Spiritual Practice of Feasting Darin Kennedy N/A Sun AM Sierra_Madre_-_Sermon_-_Darin_Kennedy_-_Spiritual_Practice_of_Feasting.mp3
11/06/22 Hope and Worship Ron Cox N/A Sun AM Sierra_Madre_-_Sermon_-_Ron_Cox_-_Hope_and_Worship.mp3
10/30/22 What's in a Name? Darin Kennedy N/A Sun AM Sierra_Madre_-_Sermon_-_Darin_Kennedy_-_Whats_in_a_Name.mp3
10/23/22 Joy in All Times Doug Hurley N/A Sun AM Sierra_Madre_-_Sermon_-_Doug_Hurley_-_Joy_in_All_Times.mp3
10/16/22 Transformation Darin Kennedy N/A Sun AM Sierra_Madre_-_Sermon_-_Darin_Kennedy_-_Transformation.mp3
10/09/22 It Is Better to Give Than to Receive Ron Cox N/A Sun AM Sierra_Madre_-_Sermon_-_Ron_Cox_-_Better_to_Give_Than_to_Receive.mp3
10/02/22 Exiles Darin Kennedy N/A Sun AM Sierra_Madre_-_Sermon_-_Darin_Kennedy_-_Exiles.mp3
09/25/22 The Great Physician Jerry Rushford N/A Sun AM Sierra_Madre_-_Sermon_-_Jerry_Rushford_-_The_Great_Physician.mp3
09/18/22 Do Not Fear to Fear the Lord Ron Cox N/A Sun AM Sierra_Madre_-_Sermon_-_Ron_Cox_-_Do_Not_Fear_to_Fear.mp3
09/11/22 Nice Is Not Enough Darin Kennedy N/A Sun AM Sierra_Madre_-_Sermon_-_Darin_Kennedy_-_Nice_Is_Not_Enough.mp3
09/04/22 Spiritual Selfie Darin Kennedy N/A Sun AM Sierra_Madre_-_Sermon_-_Darin_Kennedy_-_Spiritual_Selfie.mp3
08/28/22 Sermon on the Mount - Kingdom of Heaven Darin Kennedy N/A Sun AM Sierra_Madre_-_Sermon_-_Darin_Kennedy_-_Kingdom_of_Heaven.mp3
08/21/22 Repentance Ron Cox N/A Sun AM Sierra_Madre_-_Sermon_-_Ron_Cox_-_Repentance.mp3
08/14/22 Doing Good Doug Hurley N/A Sun AM Sierra_Madre_-_Sermon_-_Doug_Hurley_-_Doing_Good.mp3

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